HATCHET Part Ways With Drummer; Seek Replacement

January 15, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news hatchet

Bay Area thrashers HATCHET have issued the following update:

"Due to personal and musical differences we have decided to part ways with our original drummer Slave. That being said we are actively seeking a new permanent drummer to fill our line-up. We are looking for a talented, serious musician, who will be 100% dedicated to our band. Must have your own transportation and a job or source of income, and be willing to practice 2-3 times a week at our Petaluma Rehearsal Studio. Must be available for all shows and tours. And please be confident in your ability to play our material. No Egos, druggies or flakes! 18+ preferred but not a necessity. Please send us a message through our MySpace page , or contact us via email at hatchet.metal@gmail.com."

Hatchet's new album is slated for release in spring/summer of 2008 via Metal Blade Records. Head to this this location to hear tracks from the forthcoming effort.

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