BAHIMIRON Nearing Completion Of Moribund Debut

January 19, 2008, 16 years ago

bahimiron news life in black

Texas war ‘n’ whiskey-mongering black metal cult BAHIMIRON are nearing completion of their Moribund debut, fittingly titled Southern Nihilism. Reports basher of wooden coffins Blaash: “As of now, we have five tracks complete, and two more that are going to be completed this Friday (vocals), and we expect to complete the last two tracks (vocals/bass) and entire mixing/mastering in February, hopefully, or March at the latest barring jail, death, suicide, 9/11 plane-hijacking, etc.”

Song titles so far include 'Pillz And 90 Proof', 'Shattered And Crowned In Deceit', 'Five Chambers Empty', and 'The Cauldron Borne'. For more war and whiskey, consult and

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