NIDRIKE Finishing Recording New Album Blodsarv

January 20, 2008, 16 years ago

news life in black nidrike

NIDRIKE, the Swedish black metal project featuring VANMAKT mainman Gorgoth and SKALD's Gjallar, have issued the following update:

"Finally, the recording of Blodsarv is done! After several computer problems we managed to record all remaining vocals this weekend! So, know its time for the mix, and I guess that I will be done with that within a couple of weeks. I have alot to do with other projects as well so I don't have the time to sit down and mix it all at once. ??Nine brutal songs will be featured on this sick and fast black metal album. I guess some of you will find alot of surprises as well. No were not original in any way, but there's some stuff you dont expect. ??As you might know the record is set to be released by Black Plague Records this Fall. Check our demo songs that will be featured on the album on our MySpace page.

Luciferic Regards, Gorogth."

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