CRASH KELLY - Out Of The Studio

January 25, 2008, 16 years ago

news rock hard crash kelly

CRASH KELLY's Sean Kelly just issued the following update:

"Last night I laid down the last touches on the new Crash Kelly record with my friend Craig McConnell... I couldn't sleep last night because I was so excited! It is sounding absolutely crushing, and I am so proud of every aspect of this recording.

Five tracks were recorded in LA with Gilby (Clarke) producing, and five were done here with Craig and myself producing... Gilby is mixing his tracks as we speak, and Craig is one mix away from being done... then it's off to mastering, slap some artwork together (my bro Bob Lyall is designing a killer cover!) jot down a few liner notes, and it's time to throw this thing out there!

There will be an official statement about release dates, labels, etc... even though we haven't been out there rocking live (that will be remedied soon!), you can believe me when I say that I have never been busier with CK... there are many exciting developments, so stay tuned!

In the meantime, if you are in North America, you can grab issue 114 of Classic Rock magazine (just hit our shores) and see a great half page review of the Love You Electric compilation released in Europe... our UK friends have already seen it and let us know!

Keep on keepin' on!


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