AUTUMN Vocalist Nienke de Jong To Leave Band

January 25, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news autumn

Nienke de Jong has decided to leave AUTUMN by the end of February.

"After long and careful deliberation, partly influenced by her recent health issues, Nienke has come to the decision that she would henceforth like to devote more of her time to her own band DEJAFUSE and her work at the Graveland Studio.

Since Autumn is about to enter a new and time-consuming chapter, writing the follow-up to My New Time, the time has now come for Nienke to part ways with Autumn and set a new course for herself.

As we speak, Autumn is talking to a number of singers, exploring possibilities for a future together. In a few weeks’ time the new voice and face of Autumn will be announced.

To send Nienke on her way in style, there will be two farewell shows in Holland next month. These shows will take place on February 15th at Gigant in Apeldoorn and on February 16th at Nirwana in Lierop."

To read detailed personal statements from Nienke as well as the band click here.

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