THE ETERNAL Issue New Album Update; Duncan Patterson To Guest

January 31, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news the eternal

Melbourne, Australia-based metallers THE ETERNAL have issued the following up[date:

"We have had a busy month and a half since our last update! Terry (Vainoras - guitar) and Mark (Kelson - guitar/vocals) spent the end of December and the first weeks of the new year tracking the mammoth amount of guitars that we have written for Kartika. So with a bunch of long days and sleepless nights we managed to get through everything with the ever so hard working engineer Ian Miller. Ian is from Adelaide and came down to Melbourne for a few weeks to help make this all become reality for us. Working with Ian on this album has been like having an extra member on board, he has been working amazing hours on this project and we think it would be hard to of made it to this point without him.

After the completion of electric guitars and on Ian's return to Adelaide, Mark slipped into Palm Studios, Melbourne for 16 days to Track bass/acoustic guitars and vocals with Endel Rivers who most of you know from our last album Sleep Of Reason. Endel has been working overseas for the last year and we were lucky enough to catch him on a brief return to Australia and even luckier to get some studio time with him! It was worth the efforts in the end and we are very happy with the results. Mark's vocal work is set to outshine his efforts on 'Sleep Of Reason'. Tracking all the main & backing vocals, Mark had his work cut out for him as there are much more backing vocals and harmonies this time around.

So what is next? All files from the Palm Studio sessions have gone to Ian Miller in Adelaide, so he can begin the huge task of editing and mixing Kartika. We also have a few additional guests jumping on board with Duncan Patterson (ION) adding mandolin to the track 'Kartika' and Russian singer Emily A. Saaen (Ion) adding some additional backing vocals.

Within the next few weeks we will begin the mixing process and aim to have it all in the bag by the end of March, we will keep you posted!"

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