KEEP OF KALESSIN Offering Up Live Streaming From The Studio

January 31, 2008, 16 years ago

news life in black keep of kalessin

Guitarist/main composer Obsidian C. from Norway's KEEP OF KALESSIN has issued the following update:

" Members can now log in and join KOK during the last frantic night of production. We were supposed to deliver the final mix for mastering today (January 31st) at 3 pm, however we decided to do some changes to the title track in the last minute.

After a phone call with the mastering studio we were able to postpone the upload of the files until 7 am tomorrow morning.

As we're moving close to the deadline, me and Rune (Stavnesli - producer) had only two hours of sleep last night and we're in way over our heads by doing these changes so late...

Join us as we struggle to get all the bits and pieces into place before delivering the final mix for mastering."

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