Shooting On RANDY RHOADS Documentary "80 Percent Done"

February 1, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news randy rhoads

Knoxville's Metro Pulse has issued a report regarding the upcoming documentary on late guitar hero RANDY RHOADS, from director Peter Margolis of Dakota Pictures. The following is an excerpt:

“I’m about 80 percent done shooting,” Margolis says. “But the first 80 percent took as long as it’s going to take for the last 20 percent. It’s the same as if you’ve ever built a house. Pouring the concrete and putting up the walls is easy. It’s the finishing touches, the final stuff, that takes forever... I work, too. I’m doing the film because it’s something I want to do, but I can’t ignore my career. I’m doing it around my schedule, so at times it’s slow going. Realistically, it’ll be summertime before I finish all the interviews, then trimming it, adding pictures and music.”

Read the full story at this location.

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