HANOI ROCKS Frontman MICHAEL MONROE - "As A Band We're Perfectly Flawed"

February 6, 2008, 16 years ago

hanoi rocks news rock hard michael monroe

Komodo Rocks recently caught up with HANOI ROCKS frontman Michael Monroe. A portion of the interview appears below:

KR: Street Poetry is the third album you've released since the band reformed. Was there any specific direction you were hoping to take on the record.

MM: "Yeah, for this one the band is really established, chemistry and all, we've toured for quite a while now. We really wanted to capture the live vibe of the band, the live sound, and record it as simple as possible, like a live record. Pretty much in your face, ya know, bass, drums, guitars and vocals with only overdubs and solos. That's how it turned out, and we really think we succeeded in capturing the live sound and keeping it simple."

KR: Being that you've been making music for many years now, what inspires you to keep making records?

MM: "The fact that you can only get better at what you do, your evolving all the time, and you just trying to write better songs, and play better, and perform better. You're never good enough, there's always room for improvement no matter how good you are. That's what keeps you going, you strive for perfection. Talking about perfection, as a band we're perfectly flawed as I always say. Rock n roll is not supposed to be a classical concert."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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