OBITUARY - "Another Successful European Tour Complete"

February 8, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news obituary

John Tardy, singer for Tampa-based death metal legends OBITUARY, has issued the following update:

"Another successful European Tour complete and we all made it home safely. Five weeks on the road and that bus could not have felt any smaller, but we really had a good time! We made it home on Wednesday and it has taken me a couple of days to get into my office and get the website updated. I still have a bunch of photos to go through and I will work on those and get them up as soon as I can. To back up several days, I have to say that the show in Belgium was one of the best shows of the tour. Belgium, all I can say is thank you! You guys always take care of us and we really appreciate it very much. We finished up the tour in London, and thank all of you as well, then took the 'redeye' ferry and made it back to Amsterdam before on flights left on Tuesday. It made for a couple of busy last days, but it all worked out.

I would like to say thanks to HOLY MOSES and AVATAR - five weeks and no cancelled shows means a lot of hard work by everyone. We wish both of you all the best and hope you keep in touch! To all of our crew guys - you make it happen every day and we could not do it without you. One last time, to all our fans...Thank you...Thank you...Thank you!!!!!!! You are the best!!!!

We hope to have some shows in South America in April. We never did play a show in Tampa on our US Tour, so hopefully we can set one of those up sometime soon. Then we will be back in Europe during the summer for a big run on the festivals!!!!! Those are always a good time."

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