BLUE CHEER - "Performing Live, That's What We're All About"

February 9, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news blue cheer

Rock N' Roll Universe recently caught up with BLUE CHEER founding member Dickie Peterson to discuss the band's new album, What Doesn't Kill You..., their first in 15 years. An excerpt from the interview can be found below:

RNRU : Blue Cheer has a brand new studio album out What Doesn't Kill You..., which is the first studio album from the band in 15 years, and the first one released here in the U.S. in 20. How do you feel the album came out, and why was there so much time between albums?

DP : "First off, I think the album came out really great. Duck is an excellent producer. He did pretty much what I wanted to do, in that we wanted to capture who we really are. I think he did a really good job in doing that with today's technology applied to what we do. We didn't record for quite some time simply because #1, we're performing artists. We record albums because you have to in this business, but if you really want to see what Blue Cheer is all about you have to go stand there. Performing live, that's what we're all about."

RNRU : Are you pleased with the response the album has been getting?

DP : "I'm very pleased. We've got a lot of good responses, a lot of good reviews. I haven't really read any bad ones. The way people hit the 'net these days, if somebody thought it was bad it'd be on there."

RNRU : What effect do you feel that the Internet has on a band such as Blue Cheer?

DP : "Well, one thing that the Internet does is give you massive exposure. Whether people pick up on it or not is another story, but it does give you that exposure. It gives younger bands a lot more exposure than we ever had when we were young. In that respect I think it's good. I know there's a lot of downloading going on. I don't know how they're ever going to stop that. But, sort of the way we've been treated by record companies, I don't mind them having to bite the bullet for a minute (laughs)."

To read the entire interview go to this location.

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