BALFOR Begin Recording New Album

February 17, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news balfor

BW&BK; has received the following press release:

Ukrainian black metallers BALFOR entered Blacklight Studio in Kiev on February 19th to begin work on their next full-length album. Once the album has been recorded, mixing and mastering will be carried out by Boerge Finstad at Norway’s Toproom Studio (MAYHEM, BORKNAGAR, ARCTURUS). Entitled Barbaric Blood, the album will be the follow up to the 2006 Pure Barbaric MCD which the band released for free download on a net label.

This time the band will be looking for a label to release the album in the conventional way. Commented Balfor’s founder, guitarist and vocalist Thorgeir: “Our previous releases had been conventional, but releasing the MCD on a net label served its purpose very well. We needed to get more exposure and get more people to listen to our music, and for that it was perfect. But we wouldn’t want to go along that route for a full-length album. We still believe the traditional way is the best.”

Balfor, who play what they define as Barbaric Black Metal will, continue to explore the theme of their country’s dark barbaric past, translating it into music that crosses the divides between Black, Death and Battle Metal.

The frontman went on to say: “I think you could say that up to now all our releases have shown certain musical influences, but the new album is pureBalfor. We’ve come into our own with Barbaric Blood. We are interested in the warrior history of our country and the unquenchable thirst for freedom that you find in oppressed peoples. Any oppressed peoples. In our music we try to portray that long and bloody struggle, and it’s our tribute to all those who waged that war against seemingly insurmountable odds: the ordinary people who suffered every kind of cruelty and indignity, and the warriors who gave their lives throughout the generations so that we could be free once more. It’s a universal story, and we hope the new album will touch the warrior spirit in all of us”.

Tracks from the Pure Barbaric MCD can be heard on the band’s official myspace page at this location.

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