ARCH ENEMY Vocalist ANGELA GOSSOW Issues Update - Interviews And eBay Auctions Available

February 17, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news angela gossow arch enemy

ARCH ENEMY vocalist Angela Gossow has issued the following update:

"How is everybody doing???

I found a bunch of interesting/amusing interviews online for you to read in the office / in class or on the loo - but be careful with that laptop ;-)


-- Beat Magazine (This interview should not be taken totally serious, hehe. I was JOKING, ok..?)
-- Komodo Rock (About Girls Rock Camp)

I have also updated my picture section and uploaded a bunch of stuff in the ARTISTIC FANS album and the MAGAZINE album on MySpace. Thank you for sending in all these wonderful drawings/illustrations! You rock!!!

And if you would like to get your hands on my last copy of ASMODINA Inferno (CD) or MISTRESS' Worship The Temptress (demo tape), then you should check this out:

Asmodina - Inferno

Mistress - Worship The Temptress.

I am also featured on the cover and in a lengthy interview in MATTEY magazine from Venezuela. Check it out here.

This picture speaks for itself...

Have a great time and leave me some feedback! Hope to see you all soon on tour.. we are adding newly confirmed tourdates all the time..."



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