RISE TO ADDICTION Plan To Release New Album In November

February 18, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news rise to addiction

UK rockers RISE TO ADDICTION have issued the following update from vocalist Leigh Oates:

"Hi all,

Just wanted to give you an update on what's happening in the RTA camp.

We're currently taking a bit of time off the live side of things in order to give album number two our full attention. We've been heavily writing since the start of the New Year and at present have 14 songs which we've got in various stages of demo.

We'll have to trim this down to 10/12 songs for the label so that in itself will be a hard decision because we like em all!

All I can say really about the songs and their direction is that they build on the work we did with 'A New Shade...' and take the best elements of RTA and push em further... hope that makes sense!

I've currently got most of the melodies sorted for the songs and have been writing lyrics as we've gone… So far writing these songs has been a real cathartic experience and I want the lyrics to really reflect that.

Here's a couple of working titles for u, they may of course change: 'Dildo Stack', 'Dave Hates Clogs', 'Mint Rock', 'Urco T Peacocks Carnival Of Simians'.

Anyway hope this has been informative - all demoing will be finished by April and then the real recording starts with a tentative release date of around November…

Thanks for all the support people, we truly appreciate it.

Thanks for buying the album; it means we can make album No. 2 for you!!

Rock on!"

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