GAMA BOMB Issue Second Citizen Brain Studio Report

February 19, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news gama bomb

Ireland's GAMA BOMB have checked in with the following studio update:

"If making amazing albums is a crime, we're going to be sent down for life when Citizen Brain gets released. Drums are complete, as evidenced by Paul (Caffrey, drums) spending his days playing Hitman with a beer, and we're coming to the end of guitar tracking. Luke (Graham, guitars) and Domo (Dixon, lead guitar) have been putting in long days, scrutinizing every riff and lick with Scott, and the results sound amazing. Philly (Byrne, vocals) is now getting into the thick of the vocal takes, too, and is packing in some seriously balls-to-the-wall screaming in late-night sessions. Unfortunately, he hasn't been spotted wearing sunglasses while doing takes like Glen Benton. A recent memo from Earache Records advised that 'more falsettos = better', and we're certainly going to deliver on that.

Last week saw Tom Luchtenstein from MUTANT and Jamie from Resilience Records swung by the studio to deliver some hilariously brilliant backing vocals to a few tunes, only to callously leave us again like the Milk Tray man in the night. We got over it. We also got the first pencil roughs for Citizen Brain's album cover back from our man in New York, the brilliant Jeff Zornow. It looks amazing. If you see one picture of robot arms coming out of mouths this year, make this it.

We're into the last week of recording now, and the working days are getting longer (while the studio becomes progressively smellier and more cluttered with crisp bags and guitar string ends), the work is getting harder, and the alcohol consumption is leveling out to a steady 25 cases per week. We're big and tough because we drink lots. Etcetera. Bass and lead, as well as the rest of the vocals and backings, occupy the rest of our time here, as does watching the 15 Italian trash cinema DVDs we got in the post this weekend. We can highly recommend Devil Story and Cop Game to lovers of unbelievably bad cinema.

Week Two Of Citizen Brain In Figures:

Number of times Rats: Night Of Terror watched: 7

Pounds spent on alcohol: c.£400

Pounds spent on cheese: £15

Number of shades of feces present on the back of the toilet bowl: 3


Average waistband of a Gama Bomb member: 34"

Witness the birth of Citizen Brain in these exclusive in-studio pictures of Gama Bomb: photo #1, photo #2, photo #3."

Citizen Brain will see a May release. Check out Gama Bomb's demo songs on their MySpace page.

The band have confirmed UK tour dates with EXODUS:


8 - London, England - The Underworld
9 - Leeds, England - Rio's
10 - Dublin, Ireland - Voodoo Lounge
11 - Glasgow, Scotland - Cathouse

Gama Bomb also play the following:


23 - Wuerzburg, Germany - Thrash Assault 2 Festival


11 - London, England - The Scala (with SABBAT)

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