AL ATKINS Parts Way With Guitarist, Introduces Replacement; Demon Deceiver Album To See Release In Spain

February 20, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news al atkins

Singer AL ATKINS (THE HOLY RAGE, ex-JUDAS PRIEST) has checked in with the following update:

"The album Demon Deceiver will be finally released next month in Spain and distributed by Goimusic. Can't wait to go out there now and promote it with the band. Also, in April we hope to see it's release in Japan by Asian Alliance and let's hope it sells as well has my Victim Of Changes album did out there.

Also, due to Mike De Jager's commitment to other musical projects he has had to leave the band. Chris Johnson has now taken over all lead guitar duties and we sound as heavy and awesome as ever.

Catch you all at JB's next month when we play alongside WISHBONE ASH."

More on Al Atkins and The Holy Rage at this location.

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