JAMES RIVERA: "The Momentum Of HELSTAR Is Probably At It's Peak Now... And Rising!"

February 28, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news james rivera helstar

HELSTAR vocalist James Rivera has posted the following message:

"I hardly write blogs, but felt compelled to do so, since I have never smiled so much in my life. The guys (my band mates) have even noticed it in pictures. The momentum of Helstar is probably at its peak right now and rising!

We just got back from doing the Play It Loud Festival in Italy, which was an awesome show!! The fans were in a complete frenzy! Great venue, all of the bands were exceptional, and the hospitality was unbelievable without a doubt. Guiliano, the promoter, has the right idea and will go long way with this festival.

Before that we did a run through Austin, TX, and Juarez, Mexico, which were our first shows of the year. Again, what can I say? Austin gave us a very warm welcome after so many years. Took us back to the old days! Room 710 was very nicely packed, which made me feel really good since their staff are extremely nice and easy to work with, thus we got to pay them back with a good show! All I can say is it's all in the Helstar name baby!!!

K.P. Productions brought us to Juarez for the home run! It was Helstar's first performance there and what a surprise to see such die hard fans. Some said they have waited for 20 years to see us and asked why it took so long? Our answer is that we never encountered the right promoter. And when I say the right promoter, I mean the most professional, thorough guy I have ever met. His business tactics will make him king promoter for the Juarez metal market. Thank you Kenneth!!!!

As I move forward, I'm looking forward to my tribute show with SABBATH JUDAS SABBATH this Saturday, March 1st at the Concert Pub, followed by a Helstar performance in Houston at FBI Rock Club on March 29th, and three more festivals Helstar is scheduled to play so far this year; Keep It True Germany, Rock Hard Festival"Germany, and Total Metal Television (TMT) Metalfest New York.

I just wanted to share my inner feelings at this moment. Now that several of the shows have passed and I'm feeling normal again after the tiresome traveling, I opened my eyes to see how blessed I am to be back home where I've always belonged. In the driver's seat of a war machine called HELSTAR!"

James Rivera With FLOTSAM AND JETSAM - Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 2001

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