BIOMECHANICAL Frontman JOHN K. - "Meeting BRUCE DICKINSON Was Awesome; That Was Surreal For Me"

March 3, 2008, 16 years ago

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Chad Bowar at's recently caught up with BIOMECHANICAL mastermind John K. Following are a few excerpts from the interview:

On the arguments that led to the disintegration of the previous band lineup during the making of Cannibalised:

" was suggested that the band should go and play without a singer, something I knew wasn’t professional unless you have the right amount of instrumental tracks. As soon as I told them how I felt, things got really heavy. They decided to vote out and play without a singer. I broke after that. I basically had to let them know that they either respect the fact that I put something like 95% of work for this band and allow me to make an executive decision once in a while (especially when it comes down to my health). If they couldn’t respect that then good luck to them. They made up their minds about three weeks after that and left Biomechanical."

On guesting on Bruce Dickinson's BBC radio show:

"It was incredible. I am a huge IRON MAIDEN fan. I never had the chance to meet any of them and meeting Bruce was awesome. I went there with our guitarist Chris Van Hayden. Bruce was really cool with the band and he told me about his son and how he is a Biomechanical fan. That was just surreal for me, dude. Here is the guy I grew up with, listening to his music, knowing about my band! That was just awesome. We went on to do the interview and halfway through Bruce said to Chris, ‘So, Chris...I hear you are…were…a pilot?’ and I was like ‘Oh crap!’ They couldn’t stop talking about damn airplanes, dude. It was hilarious. I was pretending to understand."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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