ALCHEMIST Frontman Adam Agius - "I Am A Proud Headbanger, And Love Heavy Music"

March 7, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news alchemist's Spiritech recently caught up with ALCHEMIST frontman Adam Agius to discuss their latest album Tripsis and their upcoming appearance at Sydney's Metalstock festival.

The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Q: Before it's release the band described Tripsis as "the band's heaviest album since Spiritech". Was this the aim you had before you made the album or just something that took shape naturally?

A: "A bit of both; we had discussed headbanging to Tripsis and it turned out all nice and thrashy. So it was natural."

Q: What made you want to take on a heavier direction this time around? As Brian pointed out in his review, the new album is definitely more riff-oriented.

A: "I don't know really, I am a proud headbanger, and love heavy music. My intention in Alchemist was to write original heavy music and I think 'Austral Alien' was as progressive as I could comfortably write music. We like to make each album different and I also wanted it to be guitar orientated."

Read the full interview at here.

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