VELVET REVOLVER - Drummer MATT SORUM Checks In From Dubai

March 8, 2008, 16 years ago

velvet revolver news rock hard matt sorum

VELVET REVOLVER drummer Matt Sorum has checked in with the following update:

"We just landed in Dubai. This place is so cool. And wild. Dubai is a long way from California. Have been flying over 24 hours after a stop in Frankfurt, Germany. Cannot wait to rock tomorrow. Play a big festival here with the MUSE. Then we head up to Dublin for two gigs, then over to England, Scotland finishing up in Belgium, Germany and Amsterdam. Scott (Weiland) is healthy and ready to rock. We are all ready to get back on stage and play for all you fine people. See you rockers soon."

As previously reported, Velvet Revolver are due to perform at the Dubai Desert Rock Fest in Dubai, UAE today (March 8th) to be followed by their UK tour March 15th - 27th. Following that, the future of the band is uncertain. This summer, Weiland will be reforming his old band STONE TEMPLE PILOTS for a handful of reunion shows.

Stay tuned for updates.

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