PAIN OF SALVATION - "Now That's A Scenery SYMPHONY X Will Never Offer You"

March 16, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news symphony pain of salvation

PAIN OF SALVATION frontman Daniel Gildenlow has issued the following update:

"So, lots of people are asking what's happening and, to still your hunger, here is a little update on what we are up to at the moment.

We are putting together a nice DVD for you, with some nice bonus material for those who crave it. Problem right now is we haven't decided on the title yet, but we have a bunch of good ones to choose from. Sub Par, Briefly Described, Insert Random Word-Joke Containing the Word 'LIVE', Not A Concept and Want Your Name Here? are just a few of them. We'll see what comes down when we have shaken it long enough.

Most of you know that Léo Margarit from France is the new drummer of the band. We are rehearsing new material now and learning to know each other musically as well as personally - and he is also in the process of moving to Sweden.

We visited Moscow, Russia, some weeks back, and we had a great time. The crowd was great, and we had a good time with both organizers, press and fans. We hope to come back as soon as possible. We need to see the Red Square in daylight (with less Disney vibe) and personally I really want to visit the Museum Of National History. For those who have not yet seen the clips on YouTube (why do we even bother to make DVDs when we can have lousy recordings released anyway and not even have to bother about getting paid for it), we did a nice rendition of 'Ashes' together with a nice Russian singer named Kiril (see photo). We performed sitting in a ring on stage, playing on three balalaikas and spoons, I might add. Now that's a scenery SYMPHONY X will never offer you! :)"

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