NIGHTWISH To Guest On BRUCE DICKINSON's BBC 6 Music Friday Rock Show; CAVALERA CONSPIRACY Replay Available

March 16, 2008, 16 years ago

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On Friday, April 4th, IRON MAIDEN singer BRUCE DICKINSON's BBC 6 Music Friday Rock Show will be interviewing NIGHTWISH. You can listen to the weekly BBC 6 Music rock show live via the internet Fridays between 10 PM and 1 AM UK Time (4 PM and 7 PM EST) here.

CAVALERA CONSPIRACY, the new project featuring SEPULTURA founding members Max Cavalera (guitar, vocals) and Igor Cavalera (drums), alongside GOJIRA's Joe Duplantier (bass) and SOULFLY guitarist Marc Rizzo - was Bruce's guest on Friday, March 7th. To hear a replay of the show click here.

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