Jed Simon - "ZIMMERS HOLE Started Out As Our Friday Night Drinking Band"

March 18, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news zimmers hole

Spain's Hall Of Metal webzine has issued an interview with ZIMMERS HOLE's Jed Simon. The following is an excerpt from the interview, conducted by Danyfender:

Q: Tell us a little about the beginning of the band. How great musicians like Gene Hoglan or you became in a band such Zimmers Hole?

A: "ZH started out as our Friday night drinking band, a friend of ours who ran a club needed a band after someone had cancelled. He asked us if we knew of any bands that would like to fill in 'The Hole'... so we said 'sure, we will do it!' We formed a band, wrote a bunch of songs, played the show, and Zimmers Hole was born! For the first few years, it was a spectacle of blown up TV's, exploding giant crosses, exploding pumpkins, bread, lettuce, anything that we could detonate was in fact blown up. Then came the fire cannons and pyro, man we just kept getting more and more into the whole 'show' ya know? So over the years, we have refined our show down to a fine art. And along the way, we turned into what we think is a great band!

As for Gene joining the band... last August, our drummer Steve decided that it would be better off if he stepped aside. With a successful business to run and lots of other commitments, he thought it would be best for us to use someone else. So that delayed us for some time... and we needed to recover from losing a brother. There was no anger, no fighting. We understand, he's our bro. Always will be. Fifteen years he had been with us, so we had to give serious thought about who to call.

Gene has loved The Hole for years, and has been one of our biggest and most outspoken fans. Gene is our bro, and has been a bro for just about as long as Steve, so we called. He said 'I'll be in Vancouver in a week'... and that was it!!!"

Read the full interview at Hall Of Metal.

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