RED HARVEST Announce Adjusted Release Date For The Red Line Archives

March 18, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news red harvest

Norwegian metallers RED HARVEST have announced that their new album, The Red Line Archives will now be released April 19th (Indie Recordings) in Norway and April 25th and 28th (territory depending) elsewhere.

Tracklist: 'Move Or Be Moved' (Full Version Mix 2008), 'Dead' (Sick Transit Gloria Mundi - 2002 :: ReFactor 2008), 'Last Call' (Cold Dark Matter - 2000), 'Abstract Moral' - Junction Mix (Internal Punishment Programs - 2004, Remix 2008), 'Synthesize My DNA' (Internal Punishment Programs - 2004), 'Bleed' (1996/2008), '4418' (Internal Punishment Programs - 2004), 'Desolation' (Sick Transit Gloria Mundi - 2002), 'Technocrate' (Dunkelheit Version 2008 Mix), 'Cyborg Era / Dead End' (Remix 2008), 'The Central Sun - Part 1' (1996)."

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