BEWARE - Razorback Records Announce Formation Of New Band Featuring Members Of MASSACRE, DENIAL FIEND, IMPETIGO

March 19, 2008, 16 years ago

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Razorback Records reports:

"Razorback Records is proud and excited to announce the formation of the new band, BEWARE.

This band is the brainchild of Billy Nocera from Razorback Records, who asked his friends Noel and Pablo from GRUESOME STUFF RELISH, Stevo from IMPETIGO, and Kam Lee from DENIAL FIEND and MASSACRE if they wanted to do a new band that was an "homage" to the classic horror comics and films from the 50's, 60's, and early 70's such as Tales From The Crypt, Creepy, Witches Tales, Nightmare, as well as films from the mighty Amicus Studios and other gems of the past. Musically, they all decided that pure 80's and early 90's Death Metal was the only way to go, taking inspiration from bands such as ENTOMBED, DISMEMBER, GRAVE, Massacre, etc.

This special entity is the "dream line-up" for us, as the vocalists are none other than the mighty Stevo from Impetigo and the tyrant Kam Lee from Massacre and Denial Fiend, two of our all-time FAVORITE death metal vocalists EVER!! This deadly-duo teaming up will be legendary and we are absolutely thrilled to be working with such great people. Not only are they incredibly talented and powerful vocalists, but they are also extremely cool and down to earth people with NO rock star attitudes whatsoever. They are also our friends, and we couldn't be working with better people than Stevo and Kam Lee. These guys are truly passionate about the horror genre and the GOOD stuff that makes metal worth doing, so we just know that something really special and amazing will come from this diabolical team-up!

10 songs are being written for the debut album, which is to be titled Not For The Squeamish, to be released on Razorback Records in the coming year! The album will have songs such as 'Name Your Poison', 'Chupamacabre - The Ghastly-Sucker', 'A Bone To Pick', 'Roast of the Town', and more, with lyrics written by Stevo and Kam Lee! A demo with some rough tracks will be unleashed in the weeks ahead to give you a small taste of what's to come!

Here's some words from the Fiends themselves...

Pablo and Noel... "I still remember the first time I put my hands on albums like Ultimo Mondo Cannibale and From Beyond. It was the early nineties and I was a teenage bonehead with nothing else in mind than trying to learn how to blast my drum set and emulate such bands as Impetigo and Massacre. We can't describe how excited we feel right now 18 years later having the chance of being in a band with Kam Lee and Stevo do Caixao!"

Stevo... "From the depths of the dungeon, emerges Stevo do Caixao as co-lead vocalist of Beware. Stevo's claim to fame as a member of Impetigo is well known; his newest project CONVULSIONS while off to a slow start is beginning to gather momentum. For the special project Beware, Stevo finds himself sharing creative forces with heavy-hitters in the true underground circle.

Working with my blood brother Billy Nocera on a creative level is an honor and privelege unto itself...but to share the creative process with Kam Lee, a good friend and true influence of mine since the beginning is truly adding a sinister smile to my horrible face! On top of that, working with the fellas in Gruesome Stuff Relish is a treat that can't be beat; they have been, bar none, among the best of the best that the past few years has had to offer the true underground!! Their fantastic attitude and delightfully mesozoic approach to the genre is refreshing and rounds off a very formida ble cast of creative characters for Beware!"

Kam Lee... "Beware!!! Everything you fear and everything that dwells within the dark places of the world now walks among us... Beware, Beware - you have been warned! I'm excited to be a part of Beware, because this is giving me the chance to work side by side with Stevo of Impetigo and Billy of Razorback Records as well with the great musicians from Gruesome Stuff Relish on something we together feel is an extension of our very own personalities. Our collective adoration for those old EC comics like Tales From The Crypt and The Vault Of Horror and The Haunt Of Fear. And mixing in our adoration of old British Horror films, our creepy crawly love for creatures, and just great classic horror moments through out our collective history. This is a special treat for me, because this is what the 'true underground death metal scene' is meant to be... a brotherhood of liked mind individuals pulling together to create something that is both exciting and entertaining for the simple fun it it!

More news will come as soon as we have it! So... Beware!"

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