Christian Black Metal Documentary In The Works; Trailer Available

March 20, 2008, 16 years ago

news life in black

According to Christian Metal News, a new black metal documentary, entitled Light in Darkness - Nemesis Divina, is currently in the works. However, what separates this documentary from countless others that have explored black metal's controversial aspects is that the focus is not on the satanic spectra of the genre, but the opposite - the Christian concept of black metal. Producer Stefan Rydehed, who recently finished completed work on the Pure Fucking Mayhem documentary, which focused on the Norwegian black metal band MAYHEM, and David Nilsson have set their sights on the Scandinavian Christian scene, with particular focus on such bands as CRIMSON MOONLIGHT, ADMONISH and FROSTHARDR.

Rydehed comments: "The topic is very interesting because the genre has a major contradiction because it has evolved from the Satanic black metal and there have been death threats, church arsons, murders and so on but never have there been a documentary about the Christian bands and their point of view of the music genre."

A trailer of this documentary is available below:

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