AFTER FOREVER Guitarist SANDER GOMMANS Issues Update; HDK Audio Samples Featuring AMANDA SOMERVILLE Online Soon

March 24, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes sander gommans amanda somerville news after forever hdk

AFTER FOREVER guitarist Sander Gommans has checked in with the following update:

"Hey everybody,

Once more, I’d like to thank you all for all the messages we still receive supporting After Forever! I’ve had good offers for gigs this year, but we really need to take the break for as long as we need.

As you might read already, Floor (Jansen/vocals) is having her own project, Bas (Maas/guitars) is creating some real Rock’n Roll music, Andre (Borgman/drums) and Luuk (van Gerven/bass) are playing in the cover band CELL 29 (really cool hard rock covers!) and Joost (van den Broek/keyboards) is writing and arranging music for a lot of different projects! Obviously, I’ve been working on my own project HDK the past years, and now that it’s ready I want to make sure to pick the right label for promoting it.

This takes time, especially since HDK has got a lot of different metal styles, so it takes a good plan to help promoting it. In order to make good promotion, I also need the help of you! I’ll give you more info about that soon, I think that MySpace is a great way to ditribute music, and it would be great if you would help me out with it. Since no live gigs will be involved, this kind of promotion will be very important!

I’d also like to mention that Martin Plag, a dutch painter, made an awesome graffiti of Bas and me in a new music store. It’s a very big graffiti and of course I feel honoured! Looking forward to see that one for real, you can check out a pic in my pic section.

I received several question about whether I’m endorsed by Gibson or not, since I also play on Hufschmid guitars. Well, I have a Gibson endorsement indeed (and got two guitars, I’ve played on the Explorer during the last live gigs and I also got a Les Paul guitar) but I also use the Hufschmids a lot. You’ll be hearing both of the brands on my new HDK album.

The main reason for this blog is (vocalist) Amanda Somerville. Since she has been a very important part of HDK (only female singer/co writer) I’m really happy for her to be on both the AVANTASIA tour and the American EPICA tour (replacing Simone Simons). Hope you can check those gigs out (the Avantasia gigs will certainly be great, heard some good things about it:-), I can assure you she won’t disappoint you since she has a lot more to offer than most female singers around. Check out her MySpace, I soon will be posting one of the HDK songs with vox of Amanda."



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