NECRONOMICON Issue Studio Update

March 26, 2008, 16 years ago

news life in black necronomicon

Quebec-based dark metallers NECRONOMICON have issued the following update:

"We are happy to anounce the extras on the Return Of The Witch album have been recorded. Extras featured include: Arianne Fleury (ex-AUGURY) and Roxanne Constantin (NEGATIVA, QUO VADIS) and others. Rob the Witch's (guitars, vocals) recovery from a throat injury is going well. A minor infection is still on and off but everything should be good for the April 3rd show at the Metropolis in Montreal [with DIMMU BORGIR and BEHEMOTH]. Some tests will be done this weekend while Rob will be recording his vocal tracks on the album. If everything is good the band should be ready to mix really soon. Scheduled for first week of April, the entire crew and of course the producer as well as the band will meet on the set for the video clip of 'The Time Is Now' to talk about the last details before setting the official date of shooting."

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