BATTLELORE Check In From The Studio

March 30, 2005, 19 years ago

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BATTLELORE guitarist Jyri Vahvanen has posted the following studio update at the band's official website:

"Second week in Sound Suite Studio, Marseille. So, Henri left us on Sunday and now it is only Jussi and I doing some guitar 'til Friday when the Battlelorean girls will arrive to Marseille. The beginning of the week was almost a disaster when I cut my finger 'cause I tried to climb the tree near by - price of stupidity. Well, with some pain and guts I managed to play my guitar parts succesfully and somehow a little pain is always better than numb-nothing. The weather wasn't so good after Henri's departure and we almost got bored with Jussi. Luckily Terje managed to arrange all kinds of activities for us like cutting some palm trees and cleaning the swimming pool. Unfortunately the water of the pool is still a bit too cold but the temperature is rising every day. We learned a lot about Terje's way to produce music and it fits us well. He is very strict and precise but on the other hand he doesn't push too much.

Finally girls arrived on Friday and it was great fun to have some company. Guitars were recorded with very aggressive grip and we decided to get rid of all the elements which could polish or clean our sound too much. On Saturday we started with keyboards and pretty much everything is recorded live, without midi-programming, to have the living and organic feeling into the sound. Maria played also some parts with her flute to make things sound even more 'live. Saturday night was a heavy party night 'cause the next day was 'off-duty'. On Sunday we had a shopping day near by... And trying to cope with the hangover.

That's all for now, next week we'll do some more synths and start recording Kaisa's and Tomi's vocals."


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