INACAGE - "Some Things You Should Know About Us"

April 3, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news inacage

San Francisco-based metallers INACAGE have issued the following update:

Hi Everyone,

Inacage has been together since 1999 and started out as a female fronted band. It soon evolved into a funk rock sound. We have added a song called 'Industry Whores' from back in the day. We have had the pleasure of working with some very talented vocalists. Farrah, Tamika, Zuri to name a few.

You girls rock!! Nothing but love for you!

Our backgrounds are very diverse. While Stephanie grew up listening to the early glam rock hair bands in the 80’s,Tony was frying off acid at 13 listening to albums such as Haunting The Chapel and Seven Churches back in 85 - 86.

When the 90’s came around Stephanie was getting more into heavier bands such as PANTERA and WHITE ZOMBIE while Tony was playing in a band that PRIMUS' drummer Tim Alexander produced and then working with Jim Alcivar from the RONNIE MONTROSE band and GAMMA in which George Lucas was seriously considering using some of the projects material for an upcoming movie at one point!

We are now at a cross roads and although some of you may expect a certain sound we would like to clarify to not expect anything. We write music for us. Not you. We are fortunate to have worked so many talented people over the years and Mike Torrao (ex-POSSESSED) is just another one to add to the list.

For our R&B; friends, dont gotta like it but dont be a hatah!

For our metal friends, just because there isnt double bass all the time or production isnt up to expectations doesnt make it less metal. Try to have an open mind.

Overall, we realize we can’t please everyone and in all honesty we are not trying to. We just want to make music because it is in our blood. Motown to metal. We dont give a fuck."

More on Inacage at their MySpace page.

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