BW&BK Exclusive: THE AGONIST Vocalist ALISSA WHITE-GLUZ On Forthcoming Album - "I’m Constantly Trying To Pull Us To Go Darker And Heavier And Faster"

April 3, 2008, 16 years ago

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BW&BK; recently caught up with THE AGONIST vocalist Alissa White-Gluz to discuss the band's forthcoming album, due out later this year, and their marathon tour schedule in 2007. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

“Logically, with our timeline it makes sense for us to do an album now, but to the public it doesn’t necessarily make sense because the only got the debut less than a year ago," says Alissa. "We decided that we were going to take everything we’ve ever wanted to do musically and do it with this new album. It’s been causing a lot of disagreements because me and Danny (Marino/guitars) don’t necessarily see eye-to-eye on everything, but it’s definitely heavier. It has a bit of a different feel compared to the debut. It’s heavier, and it’s got a darker feel, which is good because I’m constantly trying to pull us to go darker and heavier and faster, and Danny’s always ‘No, rock n’ roll!’ (laughs). We’re all pretty excited about it. There’s also the possibility that a certain guitarist from a certain well known and well respected metal band will produce it for us, but I don’t want to jinx it (laughs). We’ve demoed the material and we’ve gotten some pretty good reactions.”

Go to this location for the complete story.

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