April 6, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news glen drover chris caffery megadeth

Ex-MEGADETH guitarist GLEN DROVER has issued the following update:

"Hello all - Just thought I would check in with you and tell you what’s been up with me over this past week........

I have obtained a lot of new studio "gadget’s" for my studio, to which all of them are now pretty much now installed and I gave been getting sound’s with I have incorporated into the studio - This is for the most part the reason I made the 40 second music piece that you hear when my site pop’s up - That, and as well I did it for a friend of mine who asked me to provide a musical intro to his radio show, so I kind of killed two bird’s with 1 stone, so to speak

On a related topic, I just want to point out that there is no time-line as to when the musical project I am going to do with Stephan Forte - I have been asked this by several people now who have been kind enough to inquire about this, and the answer is I don’t know. We are doing this record purely from a musical expression standpoint, thus with no deadline (imagine that) All we do know at this point of the game is that it is certainly going to be fun, and for this project, that is all that matters to me.

I am also going to play a solo on my good friend, CHRIS CAFFERY’s (SAVATAGE/TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA) new record he is working on - not sure when I will do this, but I am looking forward to that, of course. More on that in the near future."

BW&BK; had an exclusive listen to ideas for the next Chris Caffery effort while in Tampa, FL recently. Click here for the full report.

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