GMT - Working Title For New Album Revealed

April 7, 2008, 16 years ago

news rock hard gmt

GMT - featuring guitar legend Bernie Torme (ex-OZZY OSBOURNE, IAN GILLAN, DESPERADO), singer John McCoy: (ex-Gillan, MAMMOTH, SAMPSON, JOEY BELLADONNA, ATOMIC ROOSTER) and drummer Robin Guy (ex-BRUCE DICKINSON, FAITH NO MORE) - have issued the following update:

"Yes, we know, everything has been very quiet in the GMT camp lately, but they have been working hard to get the new album finished. Check out some new photos of GMT (plus special guest) sweating over their latest masterpieces here ."

In other news, Brent Soileau's lengthy interview with Bernie Torme is available here. An excerpt follows:

Brent: You are currently in the studios working on new material for the next album. How is work going on that project and do you have any stand-out favourites at this time?

Bernie: "Well, it’s going great! I haven’t any really stand-out favourites yet because I try to avoid it to be honest, up until the point of the mixes because at that point it becomes… working on tracks that you’re not keen on becomes very difficult. I try to kind of hold judgement on that, and any tracks that I’m consciously not that keen on I try to work harder on to try and make them good. Because, you know, in terms of the Bitter & Twisted album, the two tracks we had an enormous amount of problems on was the title track and Miss the Buzz. Now both of those tracks turned out rather well, but I think if you’d have asked either John or me about them before completion we’d have gone. “Oh dear…” It’s hard to tell. It’s sort of like having children; you try and treat them all with an even hand."

Brent: How would you describe the new material in comparison to the material on Bitter & Twisted?

Bernie: "I think it’s again a bit more diverse. Undoubtedly, because it’s a second album there has been more thought on this one, which is either a bad thing or a good thing… I can’t tell yet. We’ve tried to keep the recording process as basic as it was, but having that little one element of the earlier album that both John and I felt could have been recorded slightly better, hopefully that is true of this album. Basically, it’s the same kind of thing but only different. The last time we only had ten tracks so we had no choice at all. This time we have a lot of tracks and that sort of complicates things because you actually have to make a choice. I mean, I’m not a fan of 14-track albums at all because it’s awfully hard to take in. I’m sort of the generation that like vinyl instead of CD’s because I think it’s enough to take in. Otherwise it can become awfully enormous and hard to get your head around."

Brent: When can we look forward to the release of the new GMT album? Any idea at this point what it might be called?

Bernie: "The working title is Evil Twin. Whether it ends up as the title I can’t tell, but that’s the top choice right now. We’re hoping to have it out in July, but having said that, there’s an awful lot to do on it and not a great amount of time."

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