Global Metal Documentary Trailer Available

April 9, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news

The Global Metal Documentary - from the creators of Metal: A Headbanger's Journey - will be in theaters this spring. According to a press release, in Global Metal, directors Scot McFadyen and Sam Dunn set out to discover how the West’s most maligned musical genre – heavy metal – has impacted the world’s cultures beyond Europe and North America. The film follows metal fan and anthropologist Sam Dunn on a whirlwind journey through Asia, South America and the Middle East as he explores the underbelly of the world’s emerging extreme music scenes — from Indonesian death metal to Chinese black metal to Iranian thrash metal. Global Metal reveals a worldwide community of metalheads creating a new form of cultural expression in societies dominated by conflict, corruption and mass-consumerism."

A trailer for Global Metal can be viewed here.

The Winnipeg Music/Film Cinematique series is currently showing Global Metal. Click here for more info.

Directors Scot McFadyen and Sam Dunn of Banger Films Inc. recently returned from IRON MAIDEN's Somewhere Back In Time tour - where they circled the globe in their custom Boeing 757 Kombi. The anger Films Inc. team are currently editing hundreds of hours of live and behind-the-scenes footage for the film.

About the tour documentary expected to be released in late 2008/early 2009, Iron Maiden commented recently: "This will be such an incredible and exciting tour that we agreed with Scot and Sam's proposal to document this so if you see cameras following us around everywhere and around the stage you now know why!! A record of this is something that the band and myself would love to have and we are feel that many of you fans may feel hopefully feel the same - there has never been a tour quite like this before!"

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