EVERGREY - Fan Q&A Featuring Drummer JONAS EKDAHL Available

April 13, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news jonas ekdahl evergrey

EVERGREY have posted the fan Q&A; featuring drummer Jonas Ekdahl online. Excepts from the interview appear below:

Q: How is your "partnership" with fellow rhythm maestro Jari (Kainulainen/ex-STRATOVARIUS) developing, and what do you think he has bought that is different to add to the Evergrey sound?

Jonas: "We are complementing each other just great! He's an unbelievable bass player, and I feel that we make each other tighter as a rhythm section. He makes me want to play better. And when you have that impression on someone, it's a pretty good rating. Especially, since he's 'just a bass player'..haha. (I hope my Swedish 'irony-humour' is getting through the screen ;-). I remember when we had our first jam with him, or audition if you want to call it that. He came in with his bass, and as soon as we started the first song we all felt that this was the guy. And I actually caught myself with having one of the biggest smiles you can have. Jari is playing amazing on our new album as well! It was fun to record the album with him, because we got a chance to rehearse the songs just the two of us, and that was a really good thing for us to do."

Q: What is your favorite song (or songs) to play drumwise?

Jonas: "I have always loved 'Obedience'. It's so dark, heavy and groovy and it really fits my style of playing. Other favourite tunes are 'Mark Of The Triangle', that song has a lot of cool parts in it. It changes from slow and powerful to heavy and melodic. And the crowd likes that song to. It's pretty cool to see them jump up and down on the heavier parts. I like 'Monday Morning Apocalypse' because it's 'straight pipes' as you would say in Sweden (raka rör). In other words, it is really straight forward. 'I'm Sorry' is kind of a favourite song as well. It's so simple to play drumming-wise, and I feel that I really can play powerful instead of playing fancy technical stuff. Because that just would have ruined the whole song, in my opinion. 'Fear' is the first song we have played from Torn and that's a really cool song to play live, even though we've only played it twice so far. But it's so heavy and I am playing double bass stuff throughout the whole song, more or less. We have lots of songs on the new album that are really going to be kick ass to play live."

Go to this location to check out the complete Q&A.;

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