AEROSMITH Bassist Tom Hamilton - "We're All In Album Mode"

April 18, 2008, 16 years ago

news rock hard aerosmith

AEROSMITH bassist Tom Hamilton has issued the following update:

"I thought I'd write and talk about some of the stuff that's going on these days. We're really excited about the Guitar Hero thing and have been hammering away at helping it all get ready. I thought making records was complicated!

I'm going to be in a play called Banned In Boston which I do every year around this time. It's a comedy about how ridiculous modern life can be especially when it comes to politics. Or pretty much anything having to do with reality. They get well known people from Boston to go up onstage and say things that would ruin their careers if they said it anywhere else. Luckily I can ham it up and there are no consequences (except for the suffering of the audience). The best thing about it is that it raises a lot of money for a group called Urban Improv. They go to schools in areas where there's a lot of danger on the streets and help the kids have strategies for dealing with dicey situations. It's been going for a long time and has been proven to make a difference.

So anyway, just because we're off the road doesn't mean we're being unproductive.

We're all in album mode. Everybody has been saving up riffs we can make into Aerosmith songs when we hit the studio. I'm restraining myself about when it will come out. We have some solid song ideas happening and we're not putting it out until the inspiration drips right out of your speakers."

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