PRIMORDIAL - To The Nameless Dead Picture Disc Due Soon; Band Acquires Rights To Back-Catalog

April 20, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news primordial

Irish doom/black lords PRIMORDIAL have issued the following update from singer Alan "Nemtheanga" Averill:

"Forgive me father it's been months since my last confession...

I have been lazy, accept my apologies. It's about time I posted a new message on the site and let you all know what's happening on Planet Satan.

The gigs have now started coming a few every couple of weeks. The Ragnarok Festival in Lichtenfels was a triumph for us, our first show in Germany for the new album and nearly 5,000 people there to give praise to the Old Gods. We also shot a dvd, it remains to be seen whether we can use it but this is something we are going to be looking at over the coming months. Tomahawk festival the following day in Osnabruck was not quite the success of the previous day and we arrived very late due to a day when everything that could go wrong did! The show was excellent and we played possibly the best we have done since the album came out but it seems like quite a few of you thought we had cancelled and headed home after Turisas. Next time

We returned to Greece last weekend and it was indeed glorious. I am going to write a full tour report about the weekends mayhem very soon but suffice is to say we had twice as many people almost then we did when we played for Gathering. Our friends in Mael Mordha went down a storm and both Agnes Vein in Thessalonik and Dead Congregation in Athens were both excellent.

The less said perhaps about our show in Katowice, Poland the better. While not being "bad" although that's a relative term we returned home chastened and with hopefully a little the wiser. Playing before noon simply sucks and especially when you are before Immolation !.

We have a break now but Sweden Rock looms large. It's going to be very interesting! I'll tell you how David Coverdale (WHITESNAKE) and I get on swopping vocal tips.

Our Wacken stage time was announced to admittedly some disappointment. 11 am on one of the bigger stages on Friday. We had hoped for a later slot but that's the way the dice rolls in Wacken and it's not like it was back in '98 when we first played where the first bands played to literally less then 1000 people. it should be packed, but there is something disconcerting about putting on the greasepaint at 10 am. With a bit of luck I can sit drinking with WATAIN stinking out the backstage from noon on! Stinking up the day.

The picture disc of TTND (To The Nameless Dead) is going to be out through Metal Blade next month so keep an eye out for it on their e-store and in shops. It looks amazing and will look very nice on my wall beside Twilight Of The Gods thank you very much!

We are very pleased to announce that we have acquired the rights to our entire back catalogue from Karmageddon Media. This should have perhaps been some of the leading news but so much has happened since I last lifted my pen in anger. So if you are finding it difficult to get the older albums the wait will be over soon, how we package them and the possibility of bonus material is something we have to decide over the summer. We are very conscious of the fact that for many younger people Primordial is a new band with two albums out !, they will all be available in late 2008 to early 2009. It's nearly 15 years since we made Imrama and believe me it feels very strange but also makes me immensely proud to reflect on what we have achieved over the last 15 years.

We are confirmed for a tour in November. Heidenfest II through Rock the Nations. We have spent the last few months deliberating with our conscience over what we should do as in truth life is far more complicated then it was even in 2000 when we toured with Immortal but thankfully the band has grown and we have the opportunity to headline later in the year and we knew that after the festivals we had to work on something. We will be joined by ELUVEITIE and EQUILIBRIUM amongst others. I wonder can I sneak Revenge on the bill, now that would turn a few FINNTROLL shirts pale.

You may have noticed that I shut down the webstore for the time being. This is simply because I could not keep up with the amount of orders and it seemed like you all knew exactly what shirts to order that I didn't have so as to make my life even harder. I sent out about 50 shirts last week so hopefully very soon we can get back in the black and reopen the shop. What we might do from now on is have links to both Print Palace and Metal Blade in Germany so as people can order straight from them and then have 1 or 2 exclusive designs available from us printed ourselves.

It seems the album keeps on selling and selling. Initially it's no secret we were a little disappointed not to make the German charts with the new album considering the reviews but the fact now is if we had sold what we have now in Germany initially we would have entered the charts in the top 40 at least or higher, and I think both ourselves and Metal Blade would have taken a situation where the album keeps on selling consistently rather then jumping in the first week and back out again and shooting our proverbial load straight away...funny old business.

I think that might just be about it for now...

I am going to possibly create a new link within the website so as some of you can read some opinion pieces from me about politics, culture and life in general and perhaps provoke some debate on the forum, which I admit is a little dead right now. However if so please separate what's going on there from Primordial, we are not one and the same although Jekyll and Hyde we may seem to be."

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