THE HAUNTED - Blood And More Blood

April 23, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news the haunted

THE HAUNTED vocalist Peter Dolving has issued the following update:

I had to go to the ER the other night. I have a tooth cavity, yes I know, I'm a lazy selfdepricating bastard that should know to take better care of myself. The cavity in question got infected, and before I knew it my face resembled Popeye The Sailor, but without the pipe. The doctor didn't tell me before it was over, but apparently the Xylocain they inject doesn't really do much when you have an infection as big as the one I had. So guess what... IT HURT.

It hurt so much I had out of body experiences and after a while I just started laughing cause it was so out of order how much it fucking hurt. But they ended up sucking out a cup of gunk. You know as in " add 1 cup of sugar and stir...", 2 1/2 dl's of bloodmixed septic pus, happily lingering in my jaw and tissue around it.

It may have been the entirety of my brain as far as I'm concerned, but afterwards I feel rather relieved. So that and the antibiotics sure did what it was supposed to.

This obviously puts vocal duties to a halt for a couple of days until the swelling goes down and then I'll be back on track.

What it all sounds like so far? It sounds fucking ridiculously heavy. It's all got a heavier groovier feel to to it than anything we've done before. I mean even some of the new songs that are in the vein of 'HateSong' or '99' just sound waaay heavier for some reason. I have to leave the mixing room cause I get so jacked on adrenalin, cause it makes me want to break shit. And that is somehow a good thing.

I love my job;)

Peace and all that good stuff, now fuck off and take care / Pete

PS. I'm doing a scarrification in about a week, and Anders is gonna film that and put it on YouTube for all you bloodlovers, hehehe....

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