SEPULTURA's Xisto Honored

April 23, 2008, 16 years ago

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SEPULTURA bassist Paulo Xisto Pinto Junior has issued the following message:


Last Monday (April 21st, 2008) I was decorated with the Medalha da Inconfidência (one of the biggest honors of the country). And I'd like to share this honor with all my family, band and friends, without whom this would never become true.

The solemnity took place in Tiradentes (Ouro Preto) and was hosted by Minas Gerais Governor Aécio Neves.

The 'Inconfidência Medal' was created in 1952 by Juscelino Kubitscheck to pay homage to individuals who contributed in the developement of the state of Minas Gerais and the country.

Thank you!!"

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