Report: PAUL STANLEY The Painter

April 23, 2008, 16 years ago

paul stanley news rock hard

KISS vocalist/rhythm guitarist PAUL STANLEY's site has been updated with the following report from The Weekly Dig's Rob Turbovsky:

Paul Stanley says he's never played Guitar Hero, so he doesn't know if it's harder to perform 'Strutter' on a plastic guitar. And, really, why would he? He's busy doing things. Like deafening thousands of people at once while performing with KISS. Or, listening to my inane questions. Or, working at his new passion - wait for it - painting.

"You can't get anywhere until you're ready to find it," he says on the phone, explaining how he took up painting several years ago during a difficult divorce. "I did it purely as a cathartic release, and I did it from the get-go with the ground rules that I was going to concentrate more on trying to depict emotions than trying to depict any image of reality."

The only KISS content is four portraits of the band's members in costume. "A tip-of-the-hat to the fans," Stanley calls it, but one that's so out of place precisely because of how abstract the other works are. "I have to tell, you it's pretty gratifying to know that they're the least popular pieces in the gallery," he says. "People aren't buying KISS, they're buying art."

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