April 25, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news abandoned destruction

German thrashers ABANDONED have issued the following band news:

"Dear deaf people!

The Abandonettes have some good and bad news to deliver:

First the bad news: Konrad "Konny" Cartini, the original Abando-drummer, will lay down his drumsticks immediately due to sexual differences! Gone are the times of spontaneous stand-up comedy and delicate drumming that enriched each single live gig and our records... The reason for all this: Konny's gonna be a daddy for the second time! Seems like it's time for him to take care of his kids before they end up like him, haha! We'll miss you, brother!

But Abandoned wouldn't be Abandoned if we had no equivalent successor for the no longer vacant position (which indeed is the good news)!

We are proud to announce that Sven Vormann, drummer par excellence who played in DESTRUCTION and JESUS CHRYSLER SUPERSKUNK in the past, has just joined the Abandoned family!!!

Welcome aboard, brother!

We're looking forward to the first shows introducing the Abandoned Mk.II-Line Up on Headbanger's Open Air and many others to thrash your fuckin' socks off and to record our next album in true Abandoned fashion by the end of the year... yeah!

C ya in the pit!"

Don't miss Abandoned live:


25/26 - Headbanger's Open Air - Brande-Hörnerkirchen, Germany


16 - Metal Festival - Böhl-Iggelheim, Germany


18 - Metal Rage Fest - Selestat/Elsass, France


25 - 28 - Mini-Tour - Germany (TBA)

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