GOD FORBID's Dallas Coyle - "I Didn’t Call Any Of Our Fans Stupid"

May 1, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news god forbid

GOD FORBID guitarist Dallas Coyle has written his latest entry for his weekly column on MetalSucks, “The Hard R.” After last week’s controversial post about the 2004 US election and the murder of Dimebag Darrell, this week Dallas addresses his thoughts on the role politics play in music, and how those two topics are inextricably intertwined for God Forbid. The following is an excerpt:

"The last blog about the writing of IV: Constitution Of Treason received so much feedback and it blew my mind for a couple of reasons. One of the reasons was the hilarity of most of the responses. The blog was more about song writing and how our last record was written but when I was looking at the responses I realized that a LOT of people were taking issue with the events that shaped the record. Most people took a songwriting column and turned it into politics.

I got a lot of, 'I can’t believe you call your fans stupid because they voted for George Bush!' First of all, I didn’t call any of our fans stupid. This was a feeling I had about America as a whole, not one person specifically. Secondly, these events SHAPED our record in my eyes so how is there any possible way for me to separate these events from the writing of the record? How is there any possible way that I was able to separate the “politics” from the “music”?

In the nature of that last blog it was impossible to separate the two which got me to thinking (again). God Forbid as a whole endorses Barack Obama for president. I don’t know if we are big enough to actually “endorse” him but as a band we all like him and have voted for him. We send out videos or bulletins from our Myspace that show some things he’s doing or we might send out some Hillary Clinton tomfoolery to turn people off of her. Lately, people have been outraged. Some say we shouldn’t mix music and politics. Some say we should keep them separated. Well, I have to disagree to a point. While I can agree that music and politics shouldn’t be the same thing, I think it’s impossible for our band to separate the two completely. We don’t sing about women breaking up with us.

I was surprised by the e-mails because our last record cover is the statue of liberty with her arm broken off. That’s pretty in your face. Obviously the people who e-mailed us knew that? Wait a minute… Do you think they bought our record? Are they true supporters of the band? I didn’t think so. I got into the idea that if we had an opinion about something whether it be politics, dancing or American Idol, a real fan of our band wouldn’t stop listening to us because of an opinion. Some of these people were literally saying they didn’t know if they should listen to us anymore because they didn’t like being called stupid. One guy actually sent a long e-mail about how our record sales were hurting because of the bulletins I was sending out."

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