Win A Personalized Voice Mail Greeting From GENE SIMMONS

May 13, 2008, 16 years ago

news rock hard gene simmons

On July 8th, GENE SIMMONS of KISS will release his latest book, Ladies Of The Night. To commemorate this event, publisher Phoenix Books is offering fans a chance to win a personalized voice mail greeting from Gene himself - contest details can be found below.

In Ladies Of The Night, Simmons makes the case that men have been stepping out on women since the beginning of time, and that the practice is not about to stop. For that reason alone, Simmons argues that prostitution should be legalized. He argues that prostitution is a victimless crime that could be made safe and become a large source of tax revenues. Simmons,who has never used a lady of the night, believes no one should have to pay for sex, whether it is through prostitutes or marriage.

Regardless of where you stand on the issue, Simmons’ book is an arresting, informative, humorous and outrageous exploration of the world’s oldest profession, drawing on human nature, history, science and public policy.

In order to enter the aforementioned contest, an essay of 200 words or less about Ladies Of The Night - the oldest profession in the world: good or bad? - must be submmitted to with the subject ENTRY: Ladies Of The Night Contest. Be sure to include your full name and email address along with your essay.

The deadline for enties is June 8th. Entrants must be at least 18 years old and legal residents of the U.S. Winners will be announced the day that Ladies Of The Night hits stores - July 8th.

For further details, click here.

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