BATTLELORE Frontman Launches EVEMASTER Facebook Page, Issues Update On Forthcoming Album

May 15, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news battlelore evemaster

BATTLELORE frontman Tomi Mykkänen, who plays guitar in EVEMASTER, has issued the following update

"Hello all!

I just started Facebook group for Evemaster. Feel free to join to get the latest info from there! Open the group!.

News for the upcoming album:

The drum recording will start on June 2nd in Drop Hammer Studios. The drums will be played by Enrico Annus (of KHERT-NETER) as Jaska Raatikainen is not available due to his haste with CHILDREN OF BODOM at the moment. The album will be co-produced by yours truly and Ville Sorvali of MOONSORROW. Expect some epic yet complicated and elegant landscapes!

Tentative name for the album is III: Newtopia and the working titles of the songs are: 'Enter Newtopia', 'New Age Dawns', 'Humanimals', 'Losing Ground', 'The Great Unrest', 'The Sweet Poison', 'Harvester of Souls', 'Fevered Dreams', 'Absolution'...

+ possibly one cover song from mine and Jarno's drunken youth. Ahh... and it's originally from Sweden.

Even though we will record the album on our own we are still looking for a label to work with the release. If you're interested please drop a line for extensive info on the upcoming album.

More info will follow and I will try to write feelings and happenings from the recording sessions."
- tomi -

As previously reported, Battlelore is gearing up for the release of their next studio album, The Last Alliance. Song titles set to be on the album include 'The Last Alliance', 'Exile The Daystar', 'Daughter Of The Sun', 'Third Immortal' and 'Voice Of The Fallen'. The album will be mixed and mastered by Dan Swanö.

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