VISCERAL BLEEDING Part Ways With Bassist Calle Löfgren; Session Player Martin "Body" Eklöv Steps Up

May 15, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news visceral bleeding

Swedish death metallers VISCERAL BLEEDING have issued the following update:

"Today Calle (Löfgren) has decided to leave Visceral Bleeding as a bass player."

Calles comments: "I still remember the day that I met Peter and DW (Niklas Dewerud, former drummer) at a local pub where we decided to start up a band, what would end up as Visceral Bleeding.

It is with great sorrow I have come to the conclusion that I neither have the time or the logistic possibility to continue as a bass player in Visceral Bleeding. As it is now I live over 300 km away from the rest of the band and as I have a full time job and two kids you can do the math yourselves...

Visceral Bleeding is a brutal band and you will need to rehearse four to five times a week to get as good as we are and that doesn't work out for me.

I will always be a part of Visceral Bleeding and I'll follow every step the band takes. The band has given me (besides a fucked up liver and permanent neck injuries) some good memories and some great stories to tell to my grandchildren.

I'd like to thank all the great guys/bands/zines I've met through the band, big cheers to you all! A big hail goes out to Chris at Retribute Records for signing us the first time, Ruud Lemmen at Neurotic Records for signing us our present deal, giving us all tours, good support and for being a good friend of mine.

I would like to wish Visceral Bleeding good luck in the future and keep up you're position as one of the best Death Metal bands ever.

I'll miss playing with you guys...

Carving in my signature, Calle."

The band continue, "Calle is a very close friend to us all, we go way back and share a lot of history and Visceral Bleeding wishes him the best of luck with everything he decides to put his focus on in the future.

Martin "Body" Eklöv who has been our session bass player since Calle decided to take time off to focus on his family will now step in as a full-time member."

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