BLACKMORE'S NIGHT Vocalist Candice Night - "I Definitely Have Acting In My Blood"

May 15, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news blackmore night recently caught up with BLACKMORE'S NIGHT vocalist Candice Night

Q: House of Eternity is the first feature film you will be working on. What made you decide to start working on a film? Was this a new found interest, or something you've always wanted to do?

Candice: "I definitely have acting in my blood. I was enrolled in acting classes at the age of 4 and always found it easier to become someone else for a little while and find a bit of that person within myself. When I got involved with writing songs, I would utilize the same technique in writing the lyrics. I would slip into a character, but make sure that character had a parallel to my life I could emote through the words as well. Being offered a part in this movie was certainly a wonderful surprise for me."

Q: Why did you choose to do a horror film for your first movie? Do you have an interest in that genre?

Candice: "When reading, I am a big fan of the psychological horror genre. John Saul is my favorite author. In movies, its sometimes difficult to really have that balance of affecting you psychologically and not having it be all about gore, blood and guts. In the screenplay I found so many different aspects of these characters within the film. There is true, deep and neverending love, romance, a real storyline, some comedy thrown in. It also had its roots in the true history of what was happening at that time period to add the validity to the story. So it appealed to me on many different levels.

Q: Horror movies and rock music tend to be a good fit. You will also be providing music for House of Eternity's soundtrack. How did that come about?

Candice: "I had met one of the producers of the film while doing an interview for VH1 years ago. So he was familiar with the music we do as Blackmore's Night and was a fan of our genre which infuses rock with renaissance music. When I did my screen test with them I happened to have some sound samples of my solo project in the car. I played it for them and they loved it. It is more about mystery and magic than straight out rock music so it fits into the movie very well."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

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