STREAM OF PASSION - Diary Update From Last Show Of European Tour Available

May 25, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news stream of passion

Picture by Cristel Brouwer

STREAM OF PASSION guitarist Eric Hazebroek recently issued the following report from the band's recent European tour.

Fenix - Sittard, Holland:

"Last show of the tour and anything could happen, so we came prepared (or so we thought). The rest of the Scooby gang came pouring in, and after all the gear was moved from the vans into the venue we dropped ourselves into the couches at the backstage room. Pieter (sound), Douwe (monitors) and Nick (lights) started their job straight away, and slowly the band dug themselves out of their comfy seats to stack and connect all the gear. After a nice soundcheck, during which the friendly people of SEVENTH SIN arrived, we were directed to a different room where the food was ready to be served. To everybody's surprise we weren't greeted by Chinese food or pizza, but by a genuine home cooked meal. We stuffed our faces and spent the next hour or so relaxing backstage and pulling the usual antics/checking out the wireless internet. We saw quite some YouTube movies, and before we knew it it was already time to get ready for the grand finale.

Seventh Sin finished their set and we were already standing at the entrance anxious to get on stage. After a quick, behind the curtain, line check we were ready to tear up the stage. Standing backstage when the intro tape started for the sixth and the last time this tour we were all aware of the slight melancholy that comes with it. Melancholy that was quickly exchanged for adrenaline. We were going to blow the roof off this place tonight! The venue was nicely filled and several familiar faces were there to see the show for a second (or third, or fourth...) time.

Halfway through the set we were confronted with the ever-present Murphy's Law. The 'everything that can happen, will happen' theory. At the end of a song (thankfully) Davy kicked the bass drum just a little too hard, and it decided to fight back. Davy's bass drum skin was torn, and quickly after he realized he didn't bring a replacement. Slight panic arose, because without a replacement tonight's show would be cut short drastically. First solution would have been asking the drummer of Seventh Sin kindly if we could borrow his bass drum. But he wasn't to be found. More panic. Then some local guy directed us to a present bass drum that was in the back. Miraculously it was the same size as Davy's bass drum, so we quickly unscrewed all the screws and freed the skin so it could be installed on Davy's. After 15 scary minutes we walked back on stage to continue our set.

The response was (once again) tremendous! Loads of kudos to the people that came to see us in Sittard and make our last show this tour such a great one. The meet & greet was also great. Meeting everybody always is. After getting all our gear back in our vans/cars, it was time to say goodbye to the other band members and crew. A nighttime journey back home awaited.

Through this way I would like to thank (in name of the entire band) our incredible crew (Pieter, Douwe and Nick) and our incredible special guest Lucinda. And personally, the rest of my band members. We had six very cool shows! The taste for more is more than present. Also a very big thank you to all you people that came to see us. You made our (Stephan, Jeffrey & me) debut a warm welcome to the Stream of Passion gang. We hope you liked it as much as we did.... :) Until soon!!"


Go to this location for picures from the show.

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