Another Road Report From VADER's Peter Wiwczarek

May 26, 2008, 16 years ago

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Polish killing machine VADER check in from the road with the following update from mainman Peter Wiwczarek:

"The next two weeks of the tour we have spent in the south of Europe: Spain, Portugal, France and Italy. For a first time we played so many shows on Iberian Peninsula in only one week. On 9 concerts there were watching us almost 2,000 fans.

We were lucky with the weather as well, so the sun didn't burn our skin like it happens in this part of continent. We started in the Land of Basque in the city of Durango. Though it was probably the smallest concert on the tour, the maniacs welcomed us great - as always in this area.

In Valencia we had nice surprise after dinner. A specially made anniversary cake (pictured), so we could eat us ourselves... from candy picture. Daray swallowed Mauser.

It was awesome in Portugal as well, where Vader's sound guy Fabricio (born in Brazil) felt like (he was at) home for a little while.

Thereafter we drove to Italy through France to the small, but totally packed La Corigan club. In Italy we played 3 shows for about 800 fans. We met also our friends from HATE ETERNAL and CEPHALIC CARNAGE in Pinarella.

Debbie - like always - was carrying about us, so there were no problems. The next two days off we spent in beautiful San Marino. We even organized a trip to the castle, though it was raining all the time. And we made a lot of nice pictures... Now we're back to Middle Europe and Balkans.

Till next report in next two weeks... Metal Forever!!!!"

See Vader's live itinerary here.

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