HEAVEN ABLAZE Issue Update, Post New Track Online

May 29, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news heaven ablaze

London, Ontario-based death/thrash act HEAVEN ABLAZE check in with this update from lead guitarist Derek Haley:

"Just thought I'd shoot out an update as to what’s goin' on in the Heaven Ablaze camp. As most of you know our drummer Jeff suffered a severe ankle injury about a month and a half ago which forced us to cancel about 8 shows through May. He's doing much better now and we are back at the jam space rehearsing for our gig in T.O. on July 1st.

We've taken the time off in May to get things ready for our new release, which we hope to have ready for the show July 1st *crosses fingers*... if not we are looking at an early July release date. You can hear a new tune called 'Casting Judgment' from the album (album titled Proclamation Armageddon) at myspace.com/heavenablazecanada.

I have updated the site with a fresh layout and new promo band photos for everyone to check out... so go check it out... NOW!

I'll have the album artwork soon and will post updates as they come!

Lookin' forward to rockin' with ya'll soon!

Beer's high!"

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