ZERO HOUR - New Interview Available

May 29, 2008, 16 years ago

hot flashes news zero hour

SeaOfTranquility recently caugt up with ZERO HOUR guitarist Jasun Tipton to discuss the band's new album, Dark Deceiver. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Sea of Tranquility: Zero Hour has been one of those rare progressive metal bands that has an extremely rabid fan base that clamors for each and every release, and expectations are always high. With the release date of Dark Deceiver right around the corner, what can you tell to fans as to what they can expect from this new CD?

Jasun: "They can expect a very balanced disc. Heavy, dark, plenty of technical and clean tone passages to create dynamics in the music. Plenty of solo passages from the Bass (and I have to add Troy just brings it on this disc!), lots of guitar sequences, guitar solo passages, great drumming from Mike, as well as great vocal melodies that at times twist and turn into each other. Having experimentation in regards to having three part harmonies that intertwine with a main vocal line. Lots of good storylines in the lyrics and actually 'The Power to Believe', 'Inner Spirit' and 'Resurrection' follow Part 1, 2 and 3 storyline."

Sea Of Tranquility: The tunes on the new CD are perhaps heavier and more technical than anything the band has done before. Was it a conscious effort to kind of kick things up a notch for Dark Deceiver?

Jasun: "After getting a really positive response from Specs my bro and I knew that everything needed to be stepped up. For us it was all about making a better CD not trying to make a better CD. Everything was well thought out in making sure the material to our ears had longevity. If we wrote a part and it didn't have the same excitement two weeks later we would replace the part with something that would have a long lasting effect to our ears. I think the biggest thing is Troy and I took control over Dark Deceiver. That wasn't by choice but we knew we had to keep moving forward with the material and not let it come to a standstill. We had that happen before in the past with A Fragile Mind and didn't want to fall into to that same state of mind for Dark Deceiver. For instance my brother and I wrote all the lyrics and melodies to 'The Power to Believe', 'Dark Deceiver', 'Resurrection' and over 90 percent of 'Inner Spirit'. These were the last four songs written for the CD. We had the music written for 'Lies' , 'The Passion of Words' and all of the music and lyrics written for 'The Temple Within' before Specs of Pictures Burnt Beyond was out to the public. Chris fell behind due to having personal issues he needed to deal with in his private life. Troy and I knew in order to get this CD done and out to the listeners that the both of us had to step up and finish the lyrics and melodies."

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